Class 1

Home Learning
We are aware that as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic some children will have to be absent from school. Children who are absent due to the Coronavirus are entitled to have work supplied by school to bridge any gaps in learning. Please contact school to arrange for work to be sent home if your child is well enough to complete this but isolating at home. You may find the sections below useful in providing additional ideas and supplementary materials should your child be at home.
Reception Pupils
Please find below resource cards for phonics. If your child is in reception the expectation is for them to know all the Set 1 sounds and special friends such as ch, sh, th, qu, nk, ng.
Some children may be working slightly above this level and will have started to look at and learn some Set 2 sounds - ay, ee, igh, ow (blow the snow), oo (as in oo poo at the zoo), oo (as in look at a book).
Children learn one sound per day and recap all previously taught sounds. Play sound games and hide the sounds around the room. Place them on the fridge, toilet door, in a prominent position where children can see them. Play fastest finger first, say the sound and ask children to find it quick than you.
With green word cards ask children to Fred Talk the word (they know this is sounding out) and read the word. If there are special friends such as ch, sh, th, ay as in play and fish say to children 'special friends, Fred Talk, read the word'. They will know what this means. For the word play they will say 'special friends ay, p-l-ay, play'.
If you print the sounds below back to back the picture card is the rhyme they use to help them remember the sound.
Year 1 Pupils
Year 1 pupils know all set 1 and most of Set 2 and 3 sounds. Children learn one sound a day and recap all other previously taught sounds. Take turns to point to the sounds and say them. Who can say them quickest? Place them in a prominent position in your home and read them frequently.
With green word cards which contain special friends (two or three letters which make one sound such as igh, ay, aw, ur etc) ask children to identify the special friend, Fred Talk and Read the Word. They know what this means and how to do this. For red words these cannot be sounded out and so children just need to know them. Ask children to read the word and recognise it. Read it frequently and often and look for these within texts they are reading in real contexts.
If you print the sounds below back to back the picture card is the rhyme they use to help them remember the sound.