NSPCC dance-a-thon
Today we had a 'Dance-a-thon' to raise money for the NSPCC. We had to dance for at least one minute, every hour, throughout the day.
Mrs Barnes chose Superman by Black Lace so we could polish our Super hero dance moves and we LOVED IT!.......

World Book Day
The children loved dressing up as their favourite character from the book they brought to school.
Check us out...we can ride our bikes like professionals. Rachel Mellor came to Class One and taught us how to use our dinosaur legs to get speed on the balance and pedal bikes. The balance bikes were brilliant, we were able to really practice our controlled turning and negotiation of obstacles. We talked about keeping ourselves safe on a bike, especially the need for wearing a helmet.
Go Yellow.
At Wilberlee we all wore yellow and had a coffee morning to raise money for Ruddi's retreat. We raised over £200.

Go Yellow Day At Wilberlee.
The school had a coffee morning to support Ruddi’s retreat. The children took part in the ‘Go Yellow’ fundraising event run by Ruddi’s retreat – they came dressed to school in yellow and made dotation’s to the charity. All the children went to the coffee morning and enjoyed eating delicious cakes with their family or their friends. In class we talked about people who were less fortunate than ourselves and how collectively, we can help them. We raised enough money to send a family on a rest bite holiday.