Mrs Wood and Miss Crowther: Class Teachers
Mr Purcell: PPA Class 3 Teacher
Mrs McMinn: ETA Support
Mrs Hartley: ETA Support
Ms Holroyd: ETA Support
Miss Garner: HLTA
Class three at Wilberlee is a mixture of pupils from Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6. We are an amazing team who really enjoy learning together. We love our individual characteristics and personalities and everyone makes our class team and class a brilliant place to be. Working with three different year groups gives us many opportunities to recap and revisit past learning but also pushes and challenges us forward as we are exposed to rich new language and opportunties as we progress through the year groups.
If you would like anymore information about our class please do not hesistate in getting in touch via the school office. office.wilberlee@kirkleeseducation.uk

key Class Information
Reading Diaries
The children are provided with a clear, named plastic folder in which they can store their reading diaries and reading book. These are brought into class each morning, where they will be checked by a member of staff. Children need to bring their reading diaries and their reading books to school every day to be checked off. Children will be given praise and rewards at school for reading at home. We expect every child to read at least three times at home during the week.
Letters Home
Any letters given out in class will be sent via school PING however if a paper copy is necessery it will be placed in the plastic folders at the end of the day.
Water Bottles
The children are welcome to bring in an appropriately sized water bottle to keep in school. There is a sink in class and the children are able to fill and drink from their bottles when needed. We are currently encouraging children to take their water bottles home each night and return them each morning so that they can be cleaned.
Mobile Phones
As the children get older, we appreciate they may wish to bring a mobile phone to school. We ask that these are not kept on their person or in bags but are handed into the school office for safe keeping first thing in the morning. The children can collect their phones at the end of the day, if they get on the bus they need to collect their phone just before getting on the bus rather than in bus duty.
Play Leaders
Year 6 are trained as play leaders and run activities on a lunchtime in the Class One playground.