Home Activities
We have recently reviewed our homework policy which will be available to view shortly. In the meantime please have a look at some of the suggested home activities which will compliment your child's learning in school.

Reception and Year 1
Here are the suggested activities for reception and Year 1 pupils. These are things which would benefit your child and can be completed as a family. They are not compulsary and are intended to be fun and engaging.
Year 2 and 3
Please click on the link to find activities which could be completed for pupils in Years 2 and 3. In preparation for SATS pupils in Year 2 may be set individual or class activities to support their learning.
Years 4 and 5
Suggested activities for pupils in Years 4 and 5 can be found below.
Year 6
Activities to compliment learning in Year 6 are set below.
In preparation for SATS in Year 2 and 6, pupils may be set individual or class homework which will support their learning and preparation of the end of Key Stage tests.